Friday, May 15, 2015

Session 6 : Our Final Destination (Video Notes)

Below are some of the notes I took while watching the Session 6 video called ‘Our Final Destination’ of the True Love Project with Clayton King.

  • Sexual desire is a sign of something greater than sex. It’s a reflection of the need for lasting love.
  • Psalm 119:105 - 106 Your word is a lamp for my feet and a light on my path. I have solemnly sworn to keep Your righteous judgments.
  • Psalm 119:109 - 112 My life is constantly in danger, yet I do not forget Your instruction. The wicked have set a trap for me, but I have not wandered from Your precepts. I have Your decrees as a heritage forever; indeed, they are the joy of my heart. I am resolved to obey Your statutes to the very end.
  • What is your final destination in Life? Wedding day, the wedding dress, honeymoon…
  • You’ll never have a perfect marriage and there is no such thing as perfect sex and there are no perfect spouses. The truth is the person you are going to marry is so sinful that Jesus himself had to die on a cross to save them.
  • You could have the picture perfect marriage. You could be a virgin as you walk down the aisle but if you don’t have Jesus then none of those will satisfy you. And none of those will save you.
  • Jesus is the destination. He’s the big win. He’s the goal. He’s the finish line. He is the treasure at the end of your life.
  • If you get all the other things you ever wanted but you don’t get Jesus then in the end you gain nothing.
  • Mark 8:35 - 38 For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life because of Me and the gospel will save it. For what does it benefit a man to gain the whole world yet lose his life? What can a man give in exchange for his life? For whoever is ashamed of Me and my words in the adulterous and sinful generation, the Son of Man will also be ashamed of him when He comes in the glory of His Father with the holy angels.
  • Philippians 3:12 - 14 Not that I have already reached the goal or am already fully mature, but I make every effort to take hold of it because I also have been taken hold of by Christ Jesus. Brothers, I do not consider myself to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and reaching forward to what is ahead, I pursue as my goal the prize promised by God’s heavenly call in Christ Jesus.
  • Submission –> Direction –> Instruction –> Action –> Destination
  • Psalm 119:9 How can a young man keep his way pure? By keeping Your word.
  • Psalm 119:11 I have treasured Your word in my heart so that I may not sin against You.
  • Psalm 119:35 - 37 Help me stay on the path of Your commands, for I take pleasure in it. Turn my heart to Your decrees and not to material gain. Turn my eyes from looking at what is worthless; give me life in Your ways.
  • If you get Jesus, you get everything!

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Habakkuk 3:2 What?

Today I saw a song title that said Habakkuk 3:2. In my curiosity I decided to look it up. I type it into Google and I get a few links. The first link that pops up is in NIV and I read it.


And then I read it again. I think for a minute “What the heck does that mean?” I felt like Ralphie in The Christmas Story as he hurries to decode the secret message from Orphan Annie. Let me find another version. I read over the ESV text.


Still lost! What has me so confused is the last line of the text because it sounds so dark. So then I think maybe seeing the whole chapter will help.


A-ha, it’s a prayer. Ok, now we are getting somewhere. Let’s go back to Google and find out who Habakkuk really is. I look over all the Wikipedia information on Habakkuk and that’s some good information but then I find a link to a blog post from a Bible study. This is where it finally makes sense. The link to the blog is below.

Then I think, “This is the same thing we are doing today that he did hundreds of years ago”. So after reading the blog I found, about three times it finally made sense. The reason I share this is because the story of Habakkuk’s heart being changed from a person who knows of God to a person who has experienced God’s great works. It’s a great story that many people deal with in their own lives. It was if this was Habakkuk’s testimony to the rest of the world.

At the bottom of the blog there was quote that made perfect sense. I have re-pasted it below.

“There is a difference between believing that God is holy and gracious, and having a new sense on the heart of the loveliness and beauty of that holiness and grace. The difference between believing that God is gracious and tasting that God is gracious is as different as having a rational belief that honey is sweet and having the actual sense of its sweetness” (A Divine and Supernatural Light, Jonathan Edwards).

Of course now excited about the story of Habakkuk, I had to read all 3 chapters.

Update: I added a link to the video on YouTube of the song mentioned above.