Tuesday, January 17, 2012

17 January Sprint WOD

20 meter Sprint @ 100%
20 Chest to Ground Push-ups

20 meter Sprint
20 Kettle Bell Swings 45#/35#

20 meter Sprint
20 Burpees

50 meter Sprint
50 Sit-ups

50 meter Sprint
50 Air Squats

100 meter Sprint

All sprints should be accomplished at 100%. I performed this WOD on a track and used the markings to determine the distance. For the 20 meter sprints I would run 20 meters and then slow down for 20 meters covering a total distance of about 40 meters. The burpees I performed at the middle of the first turn and then walked around the turn to the line to start the 50 meter sprint. You want to walk a few steps after the burpees and the air squats to loosen your hip flexors back up before you just start sprinting.


I finished in 14:19. Not very fast.

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